Thursday, December 30, 2004

Trench Art: An Illustrated History

Trench Art: An Illustrated History

Trench Art: An Illustrated History

Although soldiers throughout history have created war souvenirs, the term trench art originated in France during the early years of World War I. The War to End All Wars produced trench art on a scale never seen before or since. Largely neglected beyond a circle of devoted collectors until recently, interest in trench art is experiencing a revival by museums and collectors on both sides of the Atlantic.

ISBN: 0975597108
Author: jane A. Kimball
Publisher: Silverpenny Press
Rating: 4.67

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Souvenir of Canada 2

Souvenir of Canada 2

Souvenir of Canada 2

Douglas Coupland returns to re-inventing Canada following his best-seller that made it clear, Canada is way more than slightly cool.

Douglas Coupland gets Canada. Better, he has set out to re-invent his country with his particular brand of insight, humor, and visual acuity.

Souvenir of Canada created a sensation when it was first published, dominating Canada’s best-seller lists for months, and made the front pages of every major Canadian newspaper. Eh?

Souvenir of Canada 2 picks up where its predecessor left off. As with the best jazz, the riffs are fresh, never quite predictable, and full of delicious rhythm and subtle humor. This book is packed full of powerfully resonant images, and unexpected juxtapositions, that reveal a new Canada, one at home in a new century. No lighthouses, grain elevators, or teepees here.

In addition to his trademark visual revelations, Coupland has created new works of art & design specifically for the book which further evoke the Canadian identity: quilts and cabinets and lamps and tables of startling beauty and subtlety. Each of these objects mirror his personal relationship to Canada in a way which, ultimately, speaks for all Canadians.

ISBN: 1553650433
Author: Douglas Coupland
Publisher: Douglas & McIntyre
Rating: 3.81

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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The Ivan Moffat File: Life Among the Beautiful and Damned in London, Paris, New York,and Hollywood

The Ivan Moffat File: Life Among the Beautiful and Damned in London, Paris, New York,and Hollywood

The Ivan Moffat File: Life Among the Beautiful and Damned in London, Paris, New York,and Hollywood

Here is a fascinating portrait of Hollywood screenwriter Ivan Moffat, whose lonely, aristocratic childhood led to a precociously fashionable and sensual life in London’s High Bohemia in the late 1930s, service in director George Stevens’s World War II film documentary unit, and membership in Hollywood’s dazzling postwar expatriate community.

Moffat’s grandfather, Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, was one of the most celebrated actors of his day, producing and starring in everything from Richard II to Pygmalion on the London stage and founding the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. His mother, Iris Tree, was a well-known poet-actress-adventuress whose circle included British bluebloods Nancy Cunard and Diana Cooper, and Bloomsburyites Carrington, Lytton Strachey, and Augustus John. Ivan’s photographer father, Curtis Moffat, came from a well-connected New York family, studied with Man Ray, and had an audacious showroom that focused on Moderne furniture and lighting, some of which he designed himself. But Ivan Moffat’s extraordinary pedigree was only the foundation upon which he built his own equally extraordinary and surprisingly active personal life, populated by the leading artists and personalities of his day—from Aldous Huxley and Dylan Thomas to Preston Sturges, Charlie Chaplin, Billy Wilder, and David Selznick.

In 1943 Moffat enlisted in the army and was assigned to Stevens’s unit, started by Eisenhower, which covered the last stage of World War II, from D-day to the fall of Berlin and the liberation of the concentration camps. After the war, Stevens invited Moffat to become an associate producer for his new Hollywood company. Moffat’s unofficial credits on the screenplays for A Place in the Sun and Shane and his co-writing credit on Giant led to a successful screenwriting career, and at the same time he became a leading social figure in Hollywood. Moffat had affairs with many women—from a waitress to a duchess, from a stripper to a movie star. The most serious affair of his life was probably with the
novelist Caroline Blackwood.

At the center of The Ivan Moffat File is the elegantly written autobiography that Moffat was working on at the time of his death in 2002, to which Gavin Lambert adds never-before-seen letters, interviews, and screenplays, as well as many anecdotes and his own memories of Moffat. The result is a re-creation of the life of this unique figure, flamboyant and mysterious.

ISBN: 0375422471
Author: Gavin Lambert
Publisher: Pantheon
Rating: 2.67

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004

El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche

El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche

El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche

El curioso incidente del perro a medianoche es una novela que no se parece a ninguna otra. Elogiada con entusiasmo por autores consagrados como Oliver Sacks e Ian McEwan, ha merecido la aprobación masiva de los lectores en todos los países donde se ha publicado, además de galardones como el Premio Whitbread y el Premio Commmonwelath al Mejor Primer Libro. Su protagonista, Christopher Boone, es uno de los más originales que han surgido en el panorama de la narrativa internacional en los últimos años, y está destinado a convertirse en un héroe literario universal de la talla de Oliver Twist y Holden Caulfield.

A sus quince años, Christopher conoce las capitales de todos los países del mundo, puede explicar la teoría de la relatividad y recitar los números primos hasta el 7.507, pero le cuesta relacionarse con otros seres humanos. Le gustan las listas, los esquemas y la verdad, pero odia el amarillo, el marrón y el contacto físico. Si bien nunca ha ido solo más allá de la tienda de la esquina, la noche que el perro de una vecina aparece atravesado por un horcón, Christopher decide iniciar la búsqueda del culpable. Emulando a su admirado Sherlock Holmes -el modelo de detective obsesionado con el análisis de los hechos-, sus pesquisas lo llevarán a cuestionar el sentido común de los adultos que lo rodean y a desvelar algunos secretos familiares que pondrán patas arriba su ordenado y seguro mundo.

ISBN: 8478889108
Author: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Salamandra
Rating: 3.83

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Sunday, August 1, 2004

Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer s Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty

Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer s Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty

Ultimate Punishment: A Lawyer s Reflections on Dealing with the Death Penalty

A gripping examination of the case for and against capital punishment by a respected criminal lawyer and celebrated novelist. In the words of Harvard Law Professor, Laurence H. Tribe--"Ultimate Punishment is the ultimate statement about the death penalty: to read it is to understand why law alone cannot make us whole."

As a respected criminal lawyer, Scott Turow has been involved with the death penalty for more than a decade, including successfully representing two different men convicted in death-penalty prosecutions. In this vivid account of how his views on the death penalty have evolved, Turow describes his own experiences with capital punishment from his days as an impassioned young prosecutor to his recent service on the Illinois commission which investigated the administration of the death penalty and influenced Governor George Ryan's unprecedented commutation of the sentences of 164 death row inmates on his last day in office. Telling the powerful stories behind the statistics, as he moves from the Governor's Mansion to Illinois's state-of-the art "super-max" prison and the execution chamber, Ultimate Punishment has all the drama and intellectual substance of Turow's bestselling fiction.

ISBN: 031242373X
Author: Scott Turow
Publisher: Picador
Rating: 3.77

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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Ella Fitzgerald: A Biography of the First Lady of Jazz

Ella Fitzgerald: A Biography of the First Lady of Jazz

Ella Fitzgerald: A Biography of the First Lady of Jazz

Stuart Nicholson's biography of Ella Fitzgerald is considered a classic in jazz literature. Drawing on original documents, interviews, and new information, Nicholson draws a complete picture of Fitzgerald's professional and personal life. Fitzgerald rose from being a pop singer with chart-novelty hits in the late '30s to become a bandleader and then one of the greatest interpreters of American popular song. Along with Billie Holiday, she virtually defined the female voice in jazz, and countless others followed in her wake and acknowledged her enormous influence. Also includes two 8-page inserts.

ISBN: 0415971195
Author: Stuart Nicholson
Publisher: Routledge
Rating: 3.77

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Friday, March 19, 2004

Souvenir of Canada

Souvenir of Canada

Souvenir of Canada

Full of surprises and insights, Souvenir of Canada presents us as we have never seen ourselves before in an irresistible flow of text and image.

Douglas Coupland offers new ways of seeing and experiencing Canada-looking at how it feels to be a Canadian right now and speculating what it might feel like in the future. From collective memories, he locates objects like stubbie beer bottles and ookpiks, Kraft dinner and maple walnut ice cream. And with the same unique sensibility, he considers significant events and relevant issues, like the flq crisis, Canada's relationship with the United States, medicare and the landscape itself.

In the section humbly titled "Cheese," he writes: "When you assemble them together, foods that feel intuitively Canadian look more like camping trip provisions than actual groceries...Canada is a cold and northern country...from a biological standpoint, it is imperative that Canadians stockpile concentrated forms of sugars, carbohydrates, fats and salt."

The 50 personal categories of the 30,000-word text are arranged alphabetically and matched with 100 illustrations (50 in colour)-new luscious photos taken by Coupland himself, images of Canadian ephemera and icons, historical photos and pictures from other quite startling sources. Included are photos of cultural installations created by Coupland himself.

ISBN: 1550549170
Author: Douglas Coupland
Publisher: Douglas & McIntyre
Rating: 3.85

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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran Oscar and the Lady in Pink

Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran   Oscar and the Lady in Pink

Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran Oscar and the Lady in Pink

Set in the 1960s in Paris' Jewish quarter, Monsieur Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran is about a troubled Jewish boy, Moses, or Momo, who strikes up an unlikely friendship with a solitary Muslim shopkeeper named Monsieur Ibrahim. Momo's hilarious yet heart-wrenching story begins when he loses his virginity in a bordello at the age of 11. Ibrahim offers Momo his ear and advice and gradually teaches the precocious boy that there is more to life than whores and stealing groceries. When Momo's father, a passive-aggressive lawyer who neglects his son's well being, disappears and is found dead, Ibrahim adopts the orphaned boy. The two decide to make a trip across Europe to the birthplace of Monsieur Ibrahim that brings them to the most important crossroads of their lives. As this deeply funny and exquisitely crafted plot unravels, it reveals how we learn the most essential lessons of life and death when we expect them the least.

Oscar and the Lady in Pink gives us an entirely different tale of love and courage. Oscar is ten years old and dying of leukemia. He knows that his bone marrow transplant has failed, but the only person in the hospital who will talk to him about dying is his beloved Mamie-Rose, an elderly volunteer who visits the sick children. When it becomes clear that Oscar's time is growing short, Mamie-Rose gives him an idea: he should pretend that every day he lives represents the passage of ten years, and at the end of each day he should write down his experiences as a letter to God so that he might feel less alone. With Mamie-Rose as his guide, Oscar begins an uplifting journey through days made fuller by the richness of his imagination and spirit.

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt has given us two illuminating tales about suffering, love, compassion, and faith in both God and humanity. These stories are guaranteed to make readers laugh, cry, and stop to reflect on the grace and wonder that can be found in every heart.

ISBN: 1590510917
Author: Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Publisher: Other Press (NY)
Rating: 3.80

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Thursday, January 1, 2004

1421: The Year China Discovered America

1421: The Year China Discovered America

1421: The Year China Discovered America

On 3/8/1421, the largest fleet the world had ever seen set sail from China. Its mission was "to proceed all the way to the ends of the earth to collect tribute from the barbarians beyond the seas" & unite the whole world in Confucian harmony. When it returned in 10/1423, the emperor had fallen, leaving China in political & economic chaos. The great ships were left to rot at their moorings. Most records of their journeys were destroyed. Lost in China's long, self-imposed isolation that followed was the knowledge that Chinese ships had reached America 70 years before Columbus & had circumnavigated the globe a century before Magellan. Also concealed was how the Chinese colonized America before the Europeans & transplanted in America & other countries the principal economic crops that have fed & clothed the world.
Unveiling incontrovertible evidence of these astonishing voyages, "1421" rewrites our understanding of history. Our knowledge of world exploration as it's been commonly accepted for centuries must now be reconceived due to this landmark work of historical investigation.

ISBN: 006054094X
Author: Gavin Menzies
Publisher: Harper Perennial (NYC)
Rating: 3.57

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