Tuesday, October 11, 2005




An exciting scientific adventure from the days of wooden ships and iron men, LONGITUDE is full of heroism and chicanery, brilliance and the absurd. It is also a captivating brief history of astronomy, navigation and clockmaking.

During the great ages of exploration, "the longitude problem" was the gravest of all scientific challenges. Lacking the ability to determine their longitude, sailors were literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land. Ships ran aground on rocky shores; those traveling well-known routes were easy prey to pirates.

In 1714, England's Parliament offered a huge reward to anyone whose method of measuring longitude could be proven successful. The scientific establishment--from Galileo to Sir Isaac Newton--had mapped the heavens in its certainty of a celestial answer. In stark contrast, one man, John Harrison, dared to imagine a mechanical solution--a clock that would keep precise time at sea, something no clock had been able to do on land. And the race was on....

ISBN: 0739323784
Author: Dava Sobel
Publisher: RH Audio
Rating: 3.93

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Saturday, October 1, 2005

You Wouldn t Want to Sail on the Mayflower!: A Trip That Took Entirely Too Long

You Wouldn t Want to Sail on the Mayflower!: A Trip That Took Entirely Too Long

You Wouldn t Want to Sail on the Mayflower!: A Trip That Took Entirely Too Long

- High interest topic for children of all ages.
- Draws in even the most reluctant reader with a lighthearted tone and hilarious illustrations.
- Includes a glossary and index.

ISBN: 053112391X
Author: Peter Cook
Publisher: Children's Press(CT)
Rating: 3.88

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Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time

On its 10th anniversary, a gift edition of this classic book, with a forward by one of history's greatest explorers, and eight pages of color illustrations.

Anyone alive in the eighteeth century would have known that "the logitude problem" was the thorniest scientific dilemma of the day--and had been for centuries. Lacking the ability to measure their longitude, sailors throughout the great ages of exploration had been literally lost at sea as soon as they lost sight of land. Thousands of lives, and the increasing fortunes of nations, hung on a resolution.

The scientific establishment of Europe--from Galileo to Sir Issac Newton--had mapped the heavens in both hemispheres in its certain pursuit of a celestial answer. In stark contrast, one man, John Harrison, dared to imagine a mechanical solution--a clock that would keep percise time at sea, something no clock had ever been able to do on land. Longitude is a dramatic human story of an epic scientific quest and Harrison's forty-year obsession with building his perfect timekeeper, known today as the chronometer. Full of heroism and chicanery, it is also a fascinating brief history of astronomy, navigation, and clockmaking, and opens a new window on our world.

ISBN: 0802714625
Author: Dava Sobel
Publisher: Walker Books
Rating: 3.93

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The Illustrated Art of War

The Illustrated Art of War

The Illustrated Art of War

With well over a million copies sold, Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a true masterpiece, a series of brilliant aphorisms that illuminate the planning and conduct of war. Now this classic work is available in an elegant illustrated edition, featuring seventy-five color and black-and-white images.

From perceptive descriptions of the nine varieties of terrain, to advice on how to gauge an enemy's weaknesses and strengths, to suggestions on the employment of secret agents, here is timeless advice on combat and military strategy. Sun Tzu's writings are unsurpassed in depth of understanding, shedding light not only on battlefield maneuvers, but also on the relevant economic, political, and psychological factors that can shape the outcome of warfare. Equally important, the precepts outlined by Sun Tzu over two thousand years ago can be applied with great success outside the theater of war. Indeed, it is read avidly by corporate executives worldwide and has been touted in the movie Wall Street and the television series The Sopranos as the ultimate guide to strategy. Finally, this edition offers the definitive translation of Sun Tzu's text, by former U.S. Marine Brigadier General Samuel Griffith, who was also an authority on Mao Tse-Tung.

Remarkable for its clear organization, lucid prose, and the acuity of its intellectual and moral insights, The Art of War is the definitive study of combat. It is an essential book for military history buffs, and an ideal gift for anyone who is interested in tactics and strategy, whether on the battlefield or in the boardroom.

ISBN: 019518999X
Author: Sun Tzu
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Rating: 3.94

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Friday, September 30, 2005

Granada 1492: The Twilight of Moorish Spain

Granada 1492: The Twilight of Moorish Spain

Granada 1492: The Twilight of Moorish Spain

By 1481 Granada was the last Islamic enclave in Catholic Spain. Granada's last ruler, Muhammad XII 'Boadbil', faced the might of a Spanish royal army revitalised and lavishly equipped with modern artillery. Despite this mismatch of strength it took 11 years of hard campaigning before the Spanish troops could bring their guns to bear on the walls of Granada. After this, the outcome could not be long delayed. Andalusia, the physical embodiment of the flowering Islamic culture in Spain, was snuffed out. Nevertheless, although the fall of Granada meant the end of Muslim Spain, completing the long wished for 'Reconquista', it also signalled the beginning of a united Spain. Fernando and Isabel, already jointly holding the crowns of Castile and Aragon, used the victory to promote feelings of unity amongst their subjects: in spite of most of the rewards of the campaign going to Castilian nobles, the fall of Granada was nevertheless the achievement of the whole of Spain, using resources from both Castile and Aragon. David Nicolle investigates the 11-year campaign that culminated in the 'Reconquista' phase of the Iberian Peninsula's history. The commanders, forces, plans and campaign itself are all examined closely in this superbly illustrated account of 'Los Reyes Catolicos' greatest victory.

ISBN: 0275988538
Author: David Nicolle
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Rating: 3.20

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Crecy 1346: Triumph of the Longbow

Crecy 1346: Triumph of the Longbow

Crecy 1346: Triumph of the Longbow

The Battle of Crecy was the first major land battle of the Hundred Years War. It pitted the French army, then considered the best in Europe, and their miscellaneous allies against the English under King Edward III and the 'Black Prince', who as yet had no great military reputation; this was the battle where he 'won his spurs'. The Genoese crossbowmen were outshot by the English longbows and the pattern was set for the rest of the day: the French cavalry were committed piecemeal in fruitless charges against strong English positions, losing perhaps 10,000 men in the course of the fighting. After almost a millennium in which cavalry had dominated the field of battle, the infantryman, and particularly the longbowman, now ruled supreme. David Nicolle explores this first of the great 'Longbow' victories which established the reputation of this fearsome weapon.

ISBN: 0275988430
Author: David Nicolle
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Rating: 3.47

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Agincourt 1415: Triumph Against the Odds

Agincourt 1415: Triumph Against the Odds

Agincourt 1415: Triumph Against the Odds

Agincourt is one of the most evocative names in English military history. Remembered as a fifteenth-century Dunkirk, the battle is part of the great English tradition of victory in the face of vastly superior forces. The French army, according to chroniclers, was between three to six times as large as that of the English and composed the flower of France's chivalry. Henry V's forces were numerically weakened by their earlier siege-action at Harfleur, and had become increasingly tired, hungry, and ill as they journeyed through enemy territory on their way to the safe port of Calais. The appearance of large French forces blocking their way seemed to signal the end of Henry V's brief attempt at the crown of France. However, the English had several advantages over their enemies. Not only was their command structure far more coherent than that of the French, but also their forces had far greater tactical flexibility. English success in arms was based on the extremely effective combination of heavily armoured men-at-arms with troops armed with the long-range, quick-firing longbow. The havoc that this weapon wreaked on the French forces before they were close enough to engage with the English knights was crucial for the English victory, as was the disorganisation of the French forces and the unforeseen problems in their pre-prepared battle plan. Matthew Bennett examines the Agincourt campaign from the siege of Harfleur to the aftermath of the battle at Agincourt itself. Ably using original fifteenth century evidence, including the surviving French battle plan and the accounts of men present in both armies, Bennett discusses the lead-up to the battle, the tactical dispositions of the two forcesand the reasons for the ultimate English success. What results is a full and extremely interesting account of one of the most important campaigns of the Hundred Years' War.

ISBN: 0275988384
Author: Matthew Bennett
Publisher: Praeger Publishers
Rating: 3.62

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

La doctora Cole (Cole Family Trilogy #3)

La doctora Cole (Cole Family Trilogy #3)

La doctora Cole (Cole Family Trilogy #3)

La doctora Cole es una mujer de nuestro tiempo. Tiene en su haber cuarenta años, un divorcio reciente y una licenciatura en medicina que le permite ejercer su profesión con dignidad y dedicación absoluta. Sin embargo, en USA el arte de curar se ha convertido en una pura burocracia y la relación con los pacientes es cada día más distante.
Fiel a la tradición familiar, que ha hecho de la medicina un sacerdocio, R. J. Cole decide dejar las comodidades de su apartamento de Boston para volver al campo y trabajar como médico rural. Es ahí, en las agrestas colinas de Massachusetts, donde finalmente podrá recobrar ese don de advinación tan peculiar que ya distinguió a sus antepasados, y donde volverá a desubrir aquellos placeres personales que la gran ciudad le había arrebatado.

ISBN: 8466617884
Author: Noah Gordon
Publisher: Ediciones B
Rating: 3.28

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Thursday, September 8, 2005

The 1421 Heresy: An Investigation Into the Ming Chinese Maritime Survey of the World

The 1421 Heresy: An Investigation Into the Ming Chinese Maritime Survey of the World

The 1421 Heresy: An Investigation Into the Ming Chinese Maritime Survey of the World

During the formative years of the Ming Dynasty the Chinese government dispatched hundreds of gigantic ships, some over 400 feet long, into the Indian Ocean. The enterprise was dubbed Zheng He's Seven Voyages to the Western Ocean because the Ming fleets, led by the legendary Admiral Zheng He, went to sea altogether seven times. After twenty-seven years these maritime expeditions mysteriously stopped. To date no scholar is entirely certain of the reason behind the undertaking. Although practically unknown in the West, these events made indelible impressions on the Southeast Asians. Today Admiral Zheng He is regarded as a god and is worshipped in temples not just in China, but throughout Southeast Asia. This year we see the 600th anniversary of the Ming Chinese launching of their monumental excursions, and scholars have renewed their interest in the historical events. There are speculations and assertions that the Ming fleets actually went beyond the Indian Ocean and even sailed to America-all before Christopher Columbus had made his momentous trips. However, researchers seem to be able to neither prove their hypotheses nor disprove them. In any case, it does seem odd that the Chinese, with their superior naval technology would choose to confine their activities to local waters only. Nevertheless, to prove that they did, one needs irrefutable evidence because the suggestion challenges centuries of established history. Historian/researcher Anatole Andro believes that if such evidence exists, it will need to be European evidence to prove the case. By leaving the Indian Ocean the Chinese would be entering European territory, so to speak. If confirmation to this effect is lacking it will not only fail to prove that the Chinese had sailed outside their local waters, but on the contrary, it would be as good as proof that the Ming Chinese never went beyond their traditional sphere of interest. For two and a half years the author searched for such evidence, examining each piece of suspected artifact and following up on every lead. Not only was he able to uncover such evidence he found the evidence to be widespread. Further, scholars had examined such evidence and either discarded, ignored, or obscured it. This book is the presentation of Mr. Andro's research data, his analyses of the data thereof, and the startling but inevitable conclusions that he arrived at. Written in easy to understand language, this book challenges you to accept his findings or dispute it. In either case it is a thrill ride.

ISBN: 1420873490
Author: Anatole Andro
Publisher: Authorhouse
Rating: 3.80

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Thursday, May 5, 2005

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Pools winner and total wazzock, Dennis Sidebottom has moved next door to Ben - bringing his squeaky-clean kids with him. The Crane Grove Crew - Ben, Barney and Jenks - soon find themselves on the Sidebottom blacklist. Accused of being troublemakers and a bad influence, they decide to shake up the Sidebottom universe with the help of Agent Z, a meteorite and a stolen penguin. It's Agent Z's finest hour! Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.

ISBN: 0099712911
Author: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Red Fox
Rating: 3.98

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Sunday, May 1, 2005

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

Esta arrebatadora novela describe la pasión de un hombre del siglo XI por vencer la enfermedad y la muerte, aliviar el dolor ajeno e impartir el don casi místico de sanar que le ha sido otorgado. Arrastrado por esa pasión, recorrerá un largo camino que le conducirá, desde una Inglaterra en que domina la brutalidad y la ignorancia, a la sensual turbulencia y el esplendor de la remota Persia, donde conocerá al legendario maestro Avicena, que está experimentado con las primeras armas de la medicina moderna.

ISBN: 8466616381
Author: Noah Gordon
Publisher: Ediciones B
Rating: 4.33

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Thursday, March 31, 2005

This Side of Paradise (Paradise, #1)

This Side of Paradise (Paradise, #1)

This Side of Paradise (Paradise, #1)

2001 Hal Clement Award Winner for Best New Science Fiction Novel for Young Adults 2001-2002 Best of the Best for Young Adults, Missouri Library Association 2002-2003 Read Aloud Books, Too Good to Miss, Indiana Library Federation 2003-2004 Texas Lone Star Top 20 List 2003 Young Adult Choice Title, International Reading Association "An entertaining, suspenseful thriller with a genuinely chilling villain. Good fun." -- Kirkus Reviews "Layne's tale is a heady mix of conspiracies, alternate identities, and sinister underground laboratories with a creepy schitzophrenic villain that readers will love to hate. Recommend this title to thriller fans who will enjoy the ride." --VOYA Something wicked this way comes; in this case it's high schooler Jack Barrett's father, whose inherent drive for perfection has spiraled into a raging obsession ever since he began working for the mysterious Eden Corporation. When his father forcibly relocates the family to Paradise, a village that is literally owned by Eden's enigmatic CEO, Jack uncovers a sinister plot that threatens the lives of everyone he loves. Delving even further into the secrets of the village, he soon learns just how high the price for perfection can be . . . and to what lengths some people are willing to go to obtain it.

ISBN: 1589802543
Author: Steven L. Layne
Publisher: Pelican Publishing Company
Rating: 3.75

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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Social Networks and Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies in Morphosyntactic Variation in the Paston Letters (1421 1503)

Social Networks and Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies in Morphosyntactic Variation in the Paston Letters (1421 1503)

Social Networks and Historical Sociolinguistics: Studies in Morphosyntactic Variation in the Paston Letters (1421 1503)

The author analyzes, from a historical sociolinguistic point of view, selected domains of morphosyntactic variation in a 250,000 word collection of the Middle English Paston Letters (1421-1503). In three case studies, two nominal and one verbal variable are described and discussed in detail: the replacement of Old English pronouns by borrowed pronouns, the introduction and spread of >wh-relativizers, and the spread and routinization of light verb constructions (take, make, give, have, do plus deverbal noun). While the author aims at a balanced integration of different approaches in sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, typology, and language change, the main focus is on social network theory and the role of the linguistic individual in the formation and change of linguistic structures.

ISBN: 3110183102
Author: Alexander Bergs
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
Rating: 0.00

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Saturday, January 1, 2005

Moscow: The Beautiful and the Damned: Life in Russia in Transition

Moscow: The Beautiful and the Damned: Life in Russia in Transition

Moscow: The Beautiful and the Damned: Life in Russia in Transition

Experience the impact of historic and unplanned change on a people forced to undergo the most breathtaking ongoing revolution of the 20th century, through the eyes of the people who have lived through it. The generation who have emerged from a Soviet past into a modern future were schooled under Soviet leader Brezhnev, studied at University or started families or careers during Gorbachev's perestroika reforms, and have been confronted by a society changed beyond recognition since the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991.

ISBN: 0233009981
Author: Nick Holdsworth
Publisher: Andre Deutsch
Rating: 3.80

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