Thursday, May 5, 2005

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars

Pools winner and total wazzock, Dennis Sidebottom has moved next door to Ben - bringing his squeaky-clean kids with him. The Crane Grove Crew - Ben, Barney and Jenks - soon find themselves on the Sidebottom blacklist. Accused of being troublemakers and a bad influence, they decide to shake up the Sidebottom universe with the help of Agent Z, a meteorite and a stolen penguin. It's Agent Z's finest hour! Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.

ISBN: 0099712911
Author: Mark Haddon
Publisher: Red Fox
Rating: 3.98

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Sunday, May 1, 2005

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

El médico (Cole Family Trilogy #1)

Esta arrebatadora novela describe la pasión de un hombre del siglo XI por vencer la enfermedad y la muerte, aliviar el dolor ajeno e impartir el don casi místico de sanar que le ha sido otorgado. Arrastrado por esa pasión, recorrerá un largo camino que le conducirá, desde una Inglaterra en que domina la brutalidad y la ignorancia, a la sensual turbulencia y el esplendor de la remota Persia, donde conocerá al legendario maestro Avicena, que está experimentado con las primeras armas de la medicina moderna.

ISBN: 8466616381
Author: Noah Gordon
Publisher: Ediciones B
Rating: 4.33

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