Sunday, July 1, 2001

The Physician (Cole Family Trilogy, #1)

The Physician (Cole Family Trilogy, #1)

The Physician (Cole Family Trilogy, #1)

In the 11th century, Rob Cole left poor, disease-ridden London to make his way across the land, hustling, juggling, peddling cures to the sick—and discovering the mystical ways of healing. It was on his travels that he found his own very real gift for healing—a gift that urged him on to become a doctor. So all consuming was his dream, that he made the perilous, unheard-of journey to Persia, to its Arab universities where he would undertake a transformation that would shape his destiny forever.

ISBN: 0751503894
Author: Noah Gordon
Publisher: Little, Brown Young Readers
Rating: 4.33

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